Monday, August 14, 2017

Losses in Prestress

                                                    Losses in Prestress 

The initial prestressing concrete undergoes a gradual reduction with time from the stages of transfer due to various causes. This is generally defined as total “Loss of Prestress”. The various losses are explained below:

Types of losses in prestress Pretensioning 

1. Elastic deformation of concrete
2. Relaxation of stress in steel
3. Shrinkage of concrete
4. Creep of concrete

Post-tensioning :

1. No loss due to elastic deformation if all wires are simultaneously tensioned. If the wires are successively tensioned, there will be loss of prestress due to elastic deformation of concrete.

2. Relaxation of stress in steel
3. Shrinkage of concrete
4. Creep of concrete
5. Friction
6. Anchorage slip


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