Monday, August 14, 2017

Differnces of Prestressed Concrte Over Reinforced Concrete

Differnces of Prestressed Concrte Over Reinforced Concrete: 

1. In prestress concrete member steel plays active role. The stress in steel prevails whether external load is there or not. But in R.C.C., steel plays a passive role. The stress in steel in R.C.C members depends upon the external loads. i.e., no external load, no stress in steel. 
2. In prestress concrete the stresses in steel is almost constant where as in R.C.C the stress in steel is variable with the lever arm. 
3. Prestress concrete has more shear resistance, where as shear resistance of R.C.C is less. 
4. In prestress concrete members, deflections are less because the eccentric prestressing force will induce couple which will cause upward deflections, where as in R.C.C., deflections are more. 
5. In prestress concrete fatigue resistance is more compare to R.C.C. because in R.C.C. stress in steel is external load dependent where as in P.S.C member it is load independent. 
6. Prestress concrete is more durable as high grade of concrete is used which are more dense in nature. R.C.C. is less durable. 
7. In prestress concrete dimensions are less because external stresses are counterbalance by the internal stress induced by prestress. Therefore reactions on column & footing are less as a whole the quantity of concrete is reduced by 30% and steel reduced by about 60 to 70%. R.C.C. is uneconomical for long span because in R.C.C. dimension of sections are large requiring more concrete & steel. Moreover as self-weight increases more reactions acted on columns & footings, which requires higher sizes. 


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